

女毕业生用a De Falussy '21 Shares Her Experiences Studying Abroad With Art 教师

介于自然保护科学, 博物馆研究, and art history lies a specialized area titled “Technical Art 历史.” This is what 埃尔迈拉大学 alumna Reka De Falussy ’21 now studies at the University of Amsterdam, 在荷兰. De Falussy, who has a bachelor’s in Anthropology and Sociology with a minor in Art, invited her EC art professors to her home over the 2023 holiday break to share her experiences in the program and abroad.

While Technical Art 历史 doesn’t require an art background - some of her current classmates have a bachelor’s in chemistry - De Falussy is grateful she paired her major with an Art minor.

“这幅画, 摄影, and art history courses I took at 埃尔迈拉大学 prepared me for this program, 是什么吸引了来自世界各地的学生,”她说。. “I think often of my time at EC and I am very grateful for taking Jan Kather’s 摄影 course, as it helped prepare me for my master's classes in artifact documentation. Aaron Kather’s studio art courses also gave me a strong foundation for doing painting reconstructions. And, of course, Chris Longwell’s art history courses taught me so much for the program.”

在她的硕士课程中, De Falussy has been able to study famous paintings in the Rijksmuseum by Dutch masters including Jan van Eyck, 伦勃朗·凡·莱因, Hieronymous博世, 约翰内斯·维米尔.


“我注意技术细节, 就像铜绿颜料的颜色变化, 还有历史细节, like how well the painting fulfills the prescribed compositional formulas of the time,德·法鲁西说. “有丰富的象征意义,每幅画都有一个故事.”


“有人向我介绍了红外反射成像的使用, x射线荧光, and other analytical instrument techniques as tools to discover when and how a painting was created,”她说。. “I found it fascinating how they used infrared technology on the work of 16th-century Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch’s Saint John the Baptist in the Wilderness. A portrait of the person who commissioned the painting was detected underneath layers of paint. It's hypothesized that when this person did not pay the commission, 博斯把他们画了出来,然后放了个奇怪的, 鳞茎状的水果盖在他们的脸上.” (See a virtual view of the infrared image delineating the face at this link.)

在确定毕业论文题目时, 德·法鲁西回想起她在美国的志愿者经历 康宁玻璃博物馆. She decided to research a glass flute made by 19th-century Parisian glassmaker Claude Laurent that King Louis Napoleon I commissioned.

“I know the 康宁玻璃博物馆 also owns a Laurent glass flute, 当然, 流行歌手Lizzo最近因为扮演U.S. president James Madison’s 200-year-old Laurent flute during a Washington, D.C. 音乐会,”她说. "I will be researching the materials aspect of King Louis Napoleon I’s delicate flute, 这是暴露在高湿度下导致的退化吗, 包括球员呼出的水分.”

虽然她住在国外, De Falussy has continued to volunteer remotely for the 康宁玻璃博物馆.

在去欧洲继续她的学业之后, Reka's lifelong passion for the arts became even more evident when she began volunteering remotely as a Glass Research Volunteer, assisting The Rakow Research 图书馆 with completing artist bibliographies that can be shared with the world,杰西卡·特朗普说。, CMoG的志愿者和实习主管. “We are thrilled to have had Reka as a part of our organization over the last five years and we look forward to seeing where her future career in the arts takes her."

De Falussy is keeping an open mind about where her studies will take her after graduation.

“The provenance of a piece of art assures the owner that the work is not a fake,”她说。. “I will likely consider applying for a position in a museum or auction house. 这项研究开辟了许多可能性.”
